Principles & protocols

Here we outline what we mean by ‘principles’, and how the principles of stewarding in are to be operationalised in protocols.

Incomplete - To be extended xxx

xxx How do we understand ‘principles’?

xxx To be designed - thro commons.hour and to be mobilised in continuous redesign of the practice of plural contributions that is

  • A practice of design justice, continuously applied in the various commons-spaces of

  • A practice of continuous design-of-commoning, by participating commoners. Aka democratic?

Much more hands-on, contributory, practical than that. Actual material configuring of (live, performed) contributions, and living architectures of contribution (weaves, dances, ‘oceanic’ or ‘continental’ navigations).

xxx Protocols, privileges and obligations in spaces, addressed as as commons. Assembling a system of principles from protocols of particular practices of particular kinds in particular spaces; bottom-up design rather than top-down design. xxx The principles themselves are an aesthetic commons - a combination of privileges, obligations and protocols in media and venue spaces.

xxx Principles as distilled protocols. Core protocols nominated as 'principles'. See Core protocols aka principles

xxx Principles as patterns. Alexander, living architecture of evolved common space, thro vernacular capability and plural, multilocal contribution. Design principles. Continuous redesign. Practice of continuous redesign - commons.hour. Evolving a pattern language as a media commons (in the handbook), that holds and presents the principles of commoning digital infrastructure to be mobilised in

xxx Social relations of practice, rather than abstracted or idealised or espoused ‘values’ or merely (even sincerely) ‘felt’ values. Active, aware, practices of value(ing). See Social relations

xxx Something on the seven coop principles. Link with the seven adapted principles in the DisCO governance model for distributed cooperation. xxx See Coop values, DisCO

xxx Other principles: permaculture, feminist practice, roots movements, black movements, decolonial, etc etc xxx See Social relations What’s the working relationship between (evolved, designed) 'principles’ and the value-systems, commitments and governance frames of various contributing communities?

  • How difficult might this prove to be?

  • How much does this depend on pluriversal sensitivity, tolerance and resilience in commons.hour, the community circle and the General Assembly (ie on skilful aesthetic practice in the contributing communities); and

  • How far can it be specified in protocols of facilitation-of-contribution in venue spaces (and to a lesser extent, in media spaces, and platform spaces).

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