Session pre- and post-protocols

Here are the protocols for actions before and after each session.

Protocols for runing the sessions themselves are here: Session protocols

2021 10 15 Session-pre and -post protocol

This is posted in the handbook here: [Session pre- and post-protocols] the handbook version is the master version.

Session is fourth Monday of the month, 18:00 UTC, here:


One month before, latest:

  • Check-in with presenter, to confirm and eleaborate their focus

  • Identify the aspects of practice that this relates to (sections/pages of handbook to be developed in connection with this session)

  • Agree a well-focused title for the session

  • Confirm date, time, room, length of presentation (15min) with them. Also other participants who might comment (check in with them too).

  • Check/develop handbook pages/sections related to this session.


Two weeks before:

  • Background: finalise related pages @ gitBook draft handbook

  • Identify (create?) the landing page in the handbook for linking in from the sign-up page.

  • Create sign-up page in the forum (aka session blurb). See template below.

  • Notify sign-up page link and repost session blurb, to:

    • members @ OpenCollective

    • @ Mastodon

    • FKI

    • Matrix

  • Personal networks

  • **Reposting: **Prompt facilitators, ops members and presenter to repost/boost the Sign-up thread link

Signup thread @ Discourse forum: template - commons.hour banner slim|690x108

Session #2 - The political economy of community organising in digital spaces - Activist commitments, livelihood, contribution, privilege

Ela Kagel (Supermarkt Berlin, Platform Cooperatives Germany) - During the pandemic, organising ‘community’, at global scale, in digital spaces - not necessarily the same needs or values as in geographically local organising. The basic importance of mapping valueflows in communities - including contributions of care work. The ways that commitments and contributions to organising may hinge on economic privilege; and the importance of care work as a radical way into this tangle of challenges. How might we organise in so that activism (and contribution in our evolving commons of capability) is open to everybody as much as possible?

Background notes for the session: The landing page for ‘social relations’ and community in our draft handbook is here :

Screenshot from 2021-09-06 13-20-43|35x37 25 October 2021 Gathering starts 18:00 UTC, closes at 19:00. Extra time runs from 19:00 for half an hour, for offers & wants, informal check-in and organiser-chat.

registration_form|34x38 Please register for this event - knowing how many people intend to participate helps us decide our facilitation approach. Click the 'GOING' icon at the top of this page: Going-icon|87x38

Screenshot from 2021-09-06 13-20-58|42x34 The gathering is in the commons.hour room at meet. coop. For best performance, please use Firefox or Chrome browser, and a PC or laptop. The meeting will be recorded. If you wish to be anonymous you should join with an altered name, and leave your camera off.

Screenshot from 2021-09-06 13-55-18|36x24 Essential links

  • Background notes for the session:

  • Session discussion thread -


  • Session#1 post-meeting material


Within 5 days after: post-session links @ Discourse forum, template -

Session #1 - The commons.hour programme @ - Introduction

Wouter Tebbens & Mike Hales, Community circle

Basic links for commons.hour @ handbook

Pre-meeting documentation for session #1 @ handbook: Programme and presenters

Forum discussion thread includes take-home highlights:

Full-feature video playback. Play in Firefox or Chrome on a laptop. Includes text chat w clickable links, slide indexing, whiteboard annotations, video thumbnails, toggle between slide and thumbnail focus. Reduced mp4 download Slides & audio only - no whiteboard annotations, no video thumbnails, no text chat

Shared notes Slide deck Text chat All these are in the session#1 folder in commons.hour public

Handbook take-home points - xxx To be added below

Last updated

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