To be developed xxx
xxx Principles of learning and capability as the basis of relationships between and within the plural sectors of community
From commons.hour session#1: Learning as a core practice: Learning by doing cooperating (doing commoning) is a core practice of the coop-commons, On one hand, contribution as learning, on the other hand learning to contribute This is the way to develop and mutualise . . confidence, empathy, coop-commons ’literacy’, reciprocity, respect/recognition of differing, diverse skills. Etc etc.
in commons (a stack of commons)
in economic cooperation, and
in the mutual sector aka global civil society.
A practice of skilful production of capabilities, to make and sustain . .
Activist formations (and weaves of formations) with the capability to make & sustain . .
The coop-commons economy, as a prefigurative practice of dual power
A generative dance of knowing
xxx Rather than 'knowledge' - as if there were some kind of 'stuff' that can be accumulated and distributed - orient to practices of knowing, conducted with a sophisticated mix of forms of rigour, by activist formations, as a kind of participatory, live choreography.
Media (eg digital media) play a pivotal role - but to say that these 'conatin knowledge' is a fallacy of misplaced concreteness. Key constructs include: collaborative work, media, knowing (visioning, investigating, communicating, designing, etc etc), organising, dancing/choreography.
To be developed xxx
Derived from a schema by Cook & Brown: S. D. Noam Cook & John Seely Brown (1999), Bridging Epistemologies: The Generative Dance Between Organizational Knowledge and Organizational Knowing, Organization Science , August 1999, 10, 381-400. DOI: 10.1287/orsc.10.4.381 Downdload NextCloud or ResearchGate