Recognition of contributions
Here we describe the ways in which contributions are recognised in
Updated: 10jan2022
Work contributions recognised primarily in terms of . .
Privileges of a member, in a space (a commons) provisioned by the coop:
Formal roles & titles @ Circles & Assemblies (eg Circle member, Board member)
Tasks (self)assigned @ a Circle
Moderation privileges @ forum.
Sometimes recognised thro 'cultural' means:
Tagging a contributor or contribution in some media space -
Shout-out @ newsletter.
Sometimes recognised in kind:
Free BBB account
Access to ops members’ tools or media channels.
Finally - importantly but not universally, in currency:
Wages, bounties, expenses. Aka livelihood payments. Etc
Perhaps including tokens/credits of some kind (eg open-credit scheme, time bank)
Also, quite prominently, rent (eg for servers). Also transaction fees (eg at OpenCollective).
xxx Protocols for the above
Last updated
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